Wicked Tiny House Electrical System Overview - Part 2
Part one of the electrical overview covered the rougher side of the electrical work - how to calculate the potential load of the house,...

Wicked Tiny House Electrical System Overview - Part 1
What's the difference between a tiny house and pioneers house built in the 1800's? Not much if you think about it. They're both small,...

Wicked Tiny House Plumbing System Overview
What's the difference between a tiny house and glorified shed? Plumbing!!!

Some long overdue Wicked Tiny House updates
When I started this blog, I intended to keep doing regular updates on how the house is holding up, changes, modifications, and additional...

The Wicked Tiny House finally has a home in Bozeman
Living in a Walmart parking lot gets old fast. Shenee and I were beginning to feel pressure to make a decision and find a suitable place...

Wyoming Continued (Day 16)
We left Laramie around 9am, and headed north through Wyoming on the back roads. The driving was surprisingly pleasant. It was mostly...

Wyoming! (Day 15)
Living in a park and ride at the intersection of an interstate and major state highway gets old very quick. At all hours of the night...

Hanging around outside of Boulder (Days 12-14)
The good news is that we have reach the mountains! The bad news is that we have no idea where we are going next. Shenee has been trying...

Colorado, and a day with no problems! (Day 11)
Not to ruin the surprise, but we finally had a day without any tire problems!!!!!! Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way! I spent...

It's finally happening!! (Day 1, Part 1)
I woke up this morning with two thoughts. One, that today was finally the day that I've been working toward for the past year, the day...